Monday, December 24, 2007



◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 12-24-2007; 自由時報, 12-25-2007




三、推動「愛台十 二建設」擴大公共投資,以促進民間投資,進而擴大內需;

四、打造台灣為「亞太資產管理與籌資中 心」,吸引財富回流;


六、建構台灣為「全球創新中 心」,產業應走向高值化及 低碳化







顯然,馬蕭經濟政策並未對症下藥。台灣需要的是突破供給面瓶頸的創新導向結構調整政策,而不是單純的內需導向財政政策。前者多屬微觀經濟範疇,遠為複雜,希望馬蕭及長昌陣營多下功夫,深入研究。馬先生雖提「全球創新中 心」的鴻圖,但這只是打高空虛晃一下。兩岸」連結,根本不是策略要徑,馬蕭政策路線存在台灣經濟發展中國化及經濟結構香港化的嚴重隱憂!



Wednesday, December 12, 2007


真 正在操控曲解經濟數據者,是一些政治人物。經濟成長是不是嘉惠到社會各階層,是屬於所得分配的問題,以及產出面的經濟成長會不會因貿易條件惡化,而無法同 比例帶動各階層所得成長。若因社會存在得分配問題,而反過來質疑經濟成長數據,不是專業不足,就是迷失於試圖操控政黨政治利益。
◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 12-12-2007; 自由時報, 12-19-2007







陳水扁總統第一個四年任期(2000-2003)台灣經濟平均每年成長率為2.8%, 第二個四年任期(2004-2007) 平均每年成長率則回升達5.2%。因此,就總合產出面言,台灣經濟在歷經2001年全球高科技泡沫化帶來的景氣衰退後,近幾年已又回復到5%左右的潛在成長率水準。在政治連年惡鬥下,台灣經濟仍保有如此軔性與彈性,是不簡單。




Sunday, November 18, 2007



◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 11-18-2007; 自由時報, 11-19-2007





「台灣全球化對外經濟統合應朝向北美、歐盟、日本等全球技術『創新中心』邁進,才有助於技術引進或擴散,以提升台灣整體經濟體系的創新能力。反之,若朝 向創新能力薄弱的開發中國家(包括中國)過度深化統合,台灣有限資源的運用將遠離全球創新中心與世界最大高科技貿易市場的已開發國家群,這並不符合國家長期利益。」

這樣的策略論述,迥異於當年召開經發會決定「積極 開放,有效管理」的主張。七年後的今天回顧,我們當時的憂慮,已具體浮現。正如自由時報日前社論「我國經貿日漸遠離美日友邦之警訊」所分析:「從表面看來,我國對外貿易好似一片榮景,然若深入分析其內涵,不難發現亮麗成績的另一面,卻呈現出疏遠盟國、加速向敵國傾斜的「自滅性」的一中結構,與民進黨政府尋求主權獨立的立場完全背道而馳。」







Saturday, October 27, 2007


經濟日報九月二十日發表「台灣經濟真比韓國好?」社論,筆者九月二十六在自由時 報發表「為經濟日報上一堂經濟學」特予回應,強調在比較台、韓經濟成長表現時,必須考量「貿易條件」變動衍生的損益,否則會錯得離譜,難獲真象。隨後,經 濟日報九月二十九日在該報二版不具名特刊「不知誰要為誰上課」一文回應,形容本人「過於狂妄」、「汗顏」,甚至要求「公開道歉」。經濟論戰至此,有失風 度。

◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 10-27-2007;
自由時報, 11-04-2007

續篇 ~ 從貿易條件談台韓經濟表現﹝二﹞













台、韓最近幾年貿易損失比率令人耽憂。這七年內累計損益佔累計GDP的比率,台灣為 -2.89%,而南韓更高達 -4.08%。台、韓研發支出佔GDP比率也不過2.5%左右,可見貿易條件惡化嚴重,而南韓尤慘。

◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 10-27-2007;
自由時報, 11-05-2007

上篇 ~ 從貿易條件談台韓經濟表現﹝一﹞


實質GDP所以會因貿易條件變動而無法準確反映實質所得,是因在現行國民所得統計上,實質GDP是一項「拉氏數量指數」。例如,在其他情況不變下,當進口價格上漲導致進口國貿易條件惡化時,該國GDP平減指數一定不生反降,進而推高實質GDP,產生統計上的虛幻所得。故必須經由估算該貿易條件惡化產生的貿易損失,以抵掉實質GDP內含的虛幻所得,剩下來的真正所得,是所謂「實質國內所得﹝GDI﹞:亦即GDI=GDP +(-) 貿易損益。(註一)

按聯合國SNA93計算公式,「貿易損益」= [(名目出口 - 名目進口)/P]-[ (名目出口/出口價指數) – (名目進口/進口價指數)],其中P代表可供選擇的三種價格指數之一。台灣政府選用「進口價指數」,而南韓政府則選用「進口價指數」與「出口價指數」的算術平均值;台、韓雙方估算貿易損益的統計基礎是不盡相同。為便於台、韓雙方比較,筆者選用更攸關全民經濟福利的「國內支出價格指數」(註二),以計算各方的貿易損益及GDI(表一):


-0.49%, 0%, 0.03%, -1.31%, -3.93%, -5.67%, -7.38%


0%, -1.21%, 1.69%, -3.11%, -4.28%, -7.05%, -9.34%

台、韓最近幾年損失比率令人耽憂。這七年內累計損益佔累計GDP的比率,台灣為 -2.89%,而南韓更高達 -4.08%。台、韓研發支出佔GDP比率也不過2.5%左右,可見貿易條件惡化嚴重,而南韓尤慘。




註一: 若把海外淨要素所得加入GDI,我們就會得到GNI(國民所得毛額),即GNI = GDI + 海外淨要素所得。實質GDI衡量台灣境內創造的購買力,而實質 GNI則衡量台灣人民在台灣境內、境外創造的購買力。若改用GNI做比較,本文論點一樣適用。

註二:國內支出,英文稱Domestic Absorption,等於C + I + G = GDP - (X - M)。熟悉總體經濟者應很容易導出「國內支出價格指數」或稱「國內支出平減指數」。



Tuesday, September 25, 2007



林環牆, 部落格專論, 09-25-2007; 自由時報, 09-26-2007


果然,聯合報系經濟日報於九月二十日發表的 「台灣經濟真比韓國好?」社論,否定陳總統的看法,謂:「將時間擴及陳總統執政的整個七年比較後,還有人相信陳總統所斷言,台灣經濟一定比韓國好?










Sunday, September 16, 2007



林環牆, 部落格專論, 09-16-2007;

美國政府在二OO二年九月發表長達三十一頁的「美國國家安全戰略」報告,布希總統在序文中說:「自由是人道尊嚴不可轉讓(Nonnegotiable)的要求,是每一個文明裡每一個人與生俱來的權利。」該報告內文進一步闡釋:「美國必須堅毅地聳立守護這些人道尊嚴不可轉讓的要求:法治、節制國家絕對權力、言論自由、信仰自由、平等公義 、尊重女性。」

然而,對照最近美國副助理國務卿柯慶生發表的對台政策演說 (英文演說全文附在文末),布希政府外交政策出現嚴重的雙重標準,傷害了台灣人民的感情,以及台灣人民長期追求民主自由的努力。同時再次凸顯布希政府推行的「國際主義」,也是美國國家安全戰略的基石,已經出現缺口,因為人道價值與國家利益融合的戰略觀,已不再雙軌並行,而是分離和虛偽。













柯慶生 (Thomas J. Christensen) 對台政策演說

A Strong and Moderate Taiwan

Thomas J. Christensen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Speech to U.S.-Taiwan Business Council
Defense Industry Conference, Annapolis, Maryland
September 11, 2007

Vice Minister Ko Cheng-heng, Dr. Su Chi, Rupert, other distinguished guests, I am delighted to be able to speak today at this important event. Many thanks to all of you for being here – especially our friends from Taiwan, who have taken time from busy schedules and traveled so far. I would also like to thank the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council, which has established this conference as the premier annual venue for discussing Taiwan’s security. As the State Department’s representative, I will touch on broad issues in Taiwan security in my remarks this morning, leaving detailed questions of defense strategy and arms procurement to the military experts. My remarks represent the agreed views of the United States Government. I invite you to consider my comments in that light.

This conference is timely. In the year ahead, we will again celebrate Taiwan’s democracy, and we will also closely follow how Taiwan’s leaders navigate the often difficult circumstances in relations across the Taiwan Strait. Their actions will be a major factor in determining whether the interests of their people are protected; whether Taiwan will continue to flourish in an environment of peace and security; or whether all that Taiwan has achieved might be put at risk by cross-Strait tensions or, worse still, conflict.

For reasons that I will elaborate in a moment, the United States has an abiding interest in a stable and peaceful relationship across the Taiwan Strait in which Taiwan thrives. Anything that makes Taiwan stronger and safer is good for the United States, and, for obvious reasons, is also good for the people of Taiwan. Anything that places such peace and stability at risk runs directly against the interests of the United States. For these reasons, we look to Taiwan to adopt strategies toward cross-Strait relations that combine strength – both military and economic – with moderation. When we see policies that diverge from these goals, we owe it to ourselves and to the Taiwan people to speak out.

Origins of U.S. Interest

I would first like to address two fundamental questions: why does the United States care about Taiwan’s security, and what is the basis for our expression of views on this important subject? The answers to the first are straight-forward. As a Pacific power with global interests and obligations, the United States has a natural interest in peace throughout Asia. Because the Taiwan Strait is a potential flashpoint for conflict, the area demands our constant attention. Meanwhile, through our decades of close friendship with the people of Taiwan, we have acquired deep admiration for their achievements under difficult circumstances and a special concern for their democracy, freedom from coercion, and prosperity. A successful Taiwan is a beacon for East Asia and beyond. Finally, U.S. support for Taiwan is enshrined in U.S. domestic law in the Taiwan Relations Act. In short, strategic, moral, and legal requirements compel a continuous U.S. interest in Taiwan and its security.

The same arguments, in turn, give us a legitimate voice on issues touching on Taiwan security. Naturally, judgments about how to defend Taiwan rest ultimately with the people of Taiwan, as articulated through their democratic institutions. We respect that prerogative. At the same time, to defend our own interests, satisfy our legal obligations, and, indeed, support people whom we regard as old friends, we believe we are right to express our views, including our real concerns, regarding Taiwan’s security policies. Because Taiwan is a democracy, the Taiwan people will decide for themselves how to respond to the views expressed by their friends in the United States.

With that, I would like to speak today about Taiwan’s security in the broadest sense and about the factors that are critical to sustaining it. Everything I say here is based on a recognition of the growing PRC military threat to Taiwan posed by the fast-paced military build-up opposite Taiwan and by Beijing’s refusal to rule out the use of force against Taiwan. The United States has demonstrated its rejection of any coercion of Taiwan through both its defensive arms sales to Taipei and maintenance of our unilateral capability to respond to such coercion, if our President were so to choose. Actions speak louder than words, and no one on either side of the Strait has an excuse for being ignorant of U.S. expectations and determination to protect our own interests. At the same time, our resolute defense of these interests has benefited the region for decades, providing the indispensable conditions for stability in the Strait, a dramatic increase in prosperity on both sides, rich and growing cross-Strait connections, and a democratic transformation on Taiwan that is an inspiration to the world.

The Need for Taiwan’s Strength and Moderation

As I stated at the outset, the United States believes that a strong and moderate Taiwan is essential to the immediate and long-term security needs of the people of Taiwan. Anything less than strength and moderation leaves Taiwan vulnerable, endangers regional peace, and potentially threatens U.S. interests. Let me address these two fundamental elements in turn.

A Strong Taiwan

A strong Taiwan is, very simply, one that maintains the military capacity to withstand coercion for an extended period of time. To the extent Beijing knows it cannot subdue Taiwan swiftly -- before the international community would be able to react -- deterrence is reinforced. Taiwan’s prosperity and social stability are, of course, additional sources of strength, but the military dimension is indispensable. A Taiwan that can defend itself is a major factor for peace. A strong Taiwan can also negotiate with Beijing with greater confidence and thereby pursue more effectively durable, equitable arrangements for cross-Strait peace.

After a frankly disappointing performance for several years, there recently has been good news in this area. In budgetary terms alone, Taipei has done much to provide for its defense. For some time the Taiwan defense budget declined as a percentage of GDP. Even during that period, however, it remained substantial – higher than in all but a few other Asian peers. As a portion of a large economy, those budgets provided a basis for some progress. This year, the defense budget has at last begun to increase as a portion of GDP. We congratulate Taiwan’s leaders from all major parties for finding a way to break this logjam.

Funding is only part of the defense equation, of course. Taiwan also is pursuing smarter priorities and defensive strategies. It is allocating more money to hardening and sustainment, and it is embracing modern warfighting doctrine, taking advantage of Taiwan’s greatest practical asset, its geography. Taiwan and its surroundings constitute an intrinsically challenging military environment, and wise defense expenditures and planning can keep it that way.

U.S. arms sales have played an important role in keeping Taiwan strong, and, of course, today’s audience has a special interest in the subject. The Bush Administration demonstrated its recognition of the U.S. role when it approved its 2001 arms package. The Administration’s commitment to fulfillment of TRA requirements remains beyond question. The principal issue in Taiwan’s defense, however, is not whether Taipei buys a particular weapon system or whether that system comes from domestic factories or from abroad. The principal issue is the substance of Taiwan’s overall defensive strategy and the maintenance of core capacities to sustain it. And the decision on that strategy, once again, rests with the Taiwan people themselves. Frankly, an abiding U.S. concern is that Taiwan as yet has still not had the sort of sustained, general debate on security that we think it deserves. We hope that, in the coming election season, the people of Taiwan will demand of their political candidates an intelligent and productive discussion of this profoundly important subject.

At the same time, I want to give credit to both Taiwan’s ruling party and the opposition for the very real progress that they have made in recent years. Under President Chen’s leadership, the MND has begun compiling more sophisticated budgets and sought increases in overall funding. For its part, the opposition-controlled legislature has performed its role by vetting and passing these budgets, giving the executive branch most of what it requested. The United States welcomes these developments as hopeful signs that we are witnessing a maturation of the public debate on Taiwan, one in which political leaders lay aside damaging accusations against one another’s basic patriotism and agree to place defense above partisan politics. Whether or not these recent events become a long-term trend will depend on leaders from all political parties, including many in the audience today.

A Moderate Taiwan

I would now like to turn to the other indispensable dimension of Taiwan’s security, a moderate, sophisticated, effective political approach toward cross-Strait relations. Without moderation, Taiwan’s security will be compromised, no matter how much money Taipei spends on defense and no matter how wisely those defense dollars have been allocated. On the other hand, all things being equal, a moderate approach by Taipei to relations across the Strait will reduce the challenges faced by Taiwan’s armed forces.

Taiwan occupies a delicate and, indeed, unique political position. The absence of a resolution of cross-Strait disputes causes understandable frustration among many people, but it’s a fact of life that the majority of Taiwan citizens understand. That recognition is reflected in opinion polling that shows powerful, consistent support for the status quo.

In terms of security, the proposition is reasonably simple: as long as Taiwan maintains a credible defensive capability, the chief threats to its welfare are political actions by Taipei itself that could trigger Beijing’s use of force. The United States has repeatedly made clear that the use of force would be unacceptable, and we have repeatedly called on Beijing to demonstrate more military transparency, to cease its arms buildup opposite Taiwan, and to reduce its armed threat to Taiwan. But as much as we oppose Beijing’s threat to use force, we also take it seriously, and Taipei cannot afford to do otherwise. It is for this reason that Taiwan’s security is inextricably linked to the avoidance of needlessly provocative behavior. This does not mean that Taipei should or can be passive in the face of PRC pressure. But it means that responsible leadership in Taipei has to anticipate potential Chinese red lines and reactions and avoid unnecessary and unproductive provocations.

The USG’s recent expression of concern about certain policies advocated by the Chen Administration has flowed directly from this perspective. I want to emphasize that the overall U.S.-Taiwan relationship is as close and mutually beneficial as ever. The friendship between the American people and the people of Taiwan has deep roots and continues to flourish. The disagreements that have arisen occur in a comparatively narrow part of the U.S.-Taiwan agenda. Since it is the part that directly relates to peace and stability, however, the disagreement is very important.

In particular, we have expressed special concern about Chen Administration support for a proposed referendum on UN membership in the name of Taiwan. Much has been said on Taiwan about U.S. positions, a lot of it wrong. Let me try to provide some clarity.

The United States is not opposed to referenda; Taiwan is as entitled to hold referenda as is any other democracy. But the topic and content of any particular referendum must be considered. A referendum on applying to the UN without the suggestion of name change as part of that referendum – while striking us as odd and unproductive - would not elicit a very strong reaction from the United States. Given that everyone knows the bulk of Taiwan’s citizens would like to see Taipei apply to the United Nations and given that such a referendum would have no prospect of improving the likelihood of success in such an application, everybody would know that support for such a referendum would only be useful in domestic political posturing in Taiwan. For the United States’ part, the matter of how to respond would be straightforward: we would reiterate that we do not support Taiwan’s membership in international organizations that require statehood and therefore would not support such a referendum.

The particular referendum supported by President Chen concerns us considerably more than would a generic referendum on applying to the UN. What worries us, very specifically, is the issue of name change. This draft referendum raises the question of what Taiwan should be called in the international community. Moreover, it does so in what could be interpreted by many to be a legally-binding popular vote. In an ideal world, we would not have to worry about this. In the vernacular, we all speak of “Taiwan.” The State Department does, people in Taiwan do, even Beijing does. So why worry about using the same word in this more formal political and legal context? The simple reality is that, in the world of cross-Strait relations, political symbolism matters, and disagreements over it could be the source of major tensions or even conflict. President Chen recognized the importance of such “symbolic” issues in 2000 and 2004 when he promised our President and the international community not to pursue a change in Taiwan’s official name, and he has reaffirmed that promise repeatedly.

It is the apparent pursuit of name change in the referendum, therefore, that makes the initiative appear to us to be a step intended to change the status quo. Arguments that the referendum, even if passed, would not amount to a pursuit of name change, frankly, strike us as purely legalistic. After all, if the specific nomenclature does not matter, why include it in the referendum in the first place? At a fundamental level, such legalistic arguments from supporters of the referendum make it seem that they do not take seriously Taiwan’s commitments to the United States and the international community, are willing to ignore the security interests of Taiwan’s most steadfast friend, and are ready to put at some risk the security interests of the Taiwan people for short-term political gain. Our bottom line is that the downsides of such an initiative for Taiwan and U.S. interests are potentially large, and, as with any UN referendum, the benefits for Taiwan’s international status are non-existent, so we must oppose such an initiative strongly.

I would like to face head-on the accusation that the U.S. position on the referendum constitutes interference in Taiwan’s democracy. On behalf of the U.S. Government, I reject this accusation categorically. Given the decades of America’s commitment to Taiwan’s security and support for its democratization, the idea just does not stand up to scrutiny. The reality is that democracies can and do disagree over policies. It happens all the time around the world. Moreover, friends have an obligation to warn friends who are moving in an unwise direction. The U.S. obligation is even stronger, given our interest in Taiwan’s security. After all, it is not just Taiwan’s peace and stability that Taipei’s actions may threaten.

The United States has neither the power nor the right to tell the Taiwan people what they can and cannot do. As friends, however, we feel it is our obligation to warn that the content of this particular referendum is ill-conceived and potentially quite harmful. Bad public policy initiatives are made no better for being wrapped in the flag of “democracy.” Fortunately, if the referendum goes forward unchanged, we anticipate that Taiwan’s perceptive, intelligent citizens will see through the rhetoric and make a sound judgment that the referendum does not serve their interests because it will be fundamentally harmful to Taiwan’s external relations.

Beyond the obvious threat to stability in the Taiwan Strait, the United States also opposes the proposed referendum because it will do the exact opposite of what it promises: it will limit, not expand, Taiwan’s international space. Arguments to the contrary sound heroic, but they stand in opposition to the evidence all around us. I can say this to you with real experience, because it is the State Department that takes the lead in the U.S. Government in trying to help preserve and expand the Taiwan people’s international space. The frustrating truth is that needlessly provocative actions by Taipei strengthen Beijing’s hand in limiting Taiwan’s space and scare away potential friends who might help Taiwan.

This is again an area where we have to acknowledge a tough truth. Whether we like it or not, most countries in the world accept Beijing’s characterization of Taiwan, and, when energized, the PRC can call in overwhelming support to marginalize Taipei. The Taiwan people are, of course, long accustomed to PRC pressure, and we are certainly not telling them not to resist these efforts; our own position is far from passive. That said, Taipei needs to push back intelligently and in a sophisticated manner that plays to its strengths. Frontal assaults on Beijing’s sensitivities are bound to fail and, at the end of the day, leave Taipei further behind. The referendum on applying to the UN under the name Taiwan is just such a frontal assault with no hope of changing Taiwan’s actual status on the international stage while increasing cross-Strait tensions and alienating potential supporters of Taiwan’s increased international space.

I would like to emphasize that we do not like having to express publicly our disagreement with the Chen Administration on this or any other policy. Taiwan is a longstanding U.S. friend, and we do not like there to be gaps between us on important issues. I can assure you that we would not have done so had we not exhausted every private opportunity through consistent, unmistakable, and authoritative messages over an extended period of time. The problem here is not misunderstanding or lack of communications: it is that we believe this initiative is not good for Taiwan or us and that we have found ourselves with no alternative but to express our views directly to the Taiwan people.

A Confident Taiwan

While I am using this podium to convey tough truths, let me raise a more positive point that is not often mentioned but deserves to be: let me debunk the myth that the people of Taiwan are isolated or that Taiwan is an international orphan. Yes, Taipei has formal diplomatic relationships with only a small number of states, and it is not a member of the United Nations. The reality, however, is that Taiwan could not be the first world, democratic, commercial powerhouse it is if it were not extensively integrated into global society. Its citizens could not travel the world on business and pleasure, its airliners and freighters could not span the globe, and it could not be one of the world’s premier sources of information technology. Taipei may not have many embassies, but it has dozens of unofficial offices around the planet staffed with professional representatives who carry on the business of the people of Taiwan. In the trade arena alone, Taipei would be an economic backwater if it were not thoroughly linked into the dense web of global institutions that support international commerce. Many of Taipei’s most important relationships are unofficial, and yet genuine communication and cooperation goes on every day of the year.

To confirm this, just follow the news to see the steady stream of senior Taiwan officials who visit Washington and other parts of the United States. People often focus on the absence of visits at the highest levels, but those are infrequent in any relationship. For anybody who bothers to pay attention, it quickly becomes clear that the U.S.-Taiwan dialogue is comparable in substance and scope to that with any other medium-size partner.

I am not trying to downplay the genuine limitations on the international space of the Taiwan people, and I appreciate the frustrations that these must generate. At the end of the day, Taiwan occupies an unusual place in the global community. For Taiwan’s elected leadership, the challenge ahead is how to maximize the people’s interest within this context. Fortunately, Taiwan has done remarkably well, and, when Taipei plays its hand well, it has a range of positive opportunities in the years ahead.

Strategic U.S. Interests

The United States has a consistent policy toward the Taiwan Strait. Year in and year out, and over administrations from both major parties, that policy has provided great benefits not only for the American people but also for the people of Taiwan. If there is any doubt about this, just consider Taiwan’s circumstances at the time of de-recognition nearly 30 years ago now. Its vibrant democracy and prosperous, first world society today offer a vastly better life to the people of Taiwan. And as a friend of Taiwan, as an indispensable supporter of its democracy and freedoms, the United States ranks second to none. Americans can feel justifiably proud for having done the right thing, again and again.

While our support for Taiwan is beyond question, nobody here will be surprised if I say that the United States defines its own interests and interprets East Asian regional developments for itself. There is, therefore, absolutely no foundation to the assertion that the United States coordinates its Taiwan policy with Beijing. It just does not happen. Words like coordination and cooperation simply do not apply to the relationship between Washington and Beijing on Taiwan policy. Do Chinese views influence U.S. thinking? Of course: we would be reckless, as would Taipei, if we did not take them into consideration. But I can assure you that no USG official at any level spends any amount of time coordinating our policies toward Taiwan with Beijing. Rumors of such coordination abound, but as with many rumors, they have no basis in fact.

By the same token, while we have a close, friendly relationship with Taipei, we also do not let Taipei define our positions. For well-established reasons, the United States has declared its opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo by either side of the Taiwan Strait. Some Taiwan leaders in recent years have asserted that Taiwan independence is the status quo that should be defended. On that point, let me be perfectly clear: while U.S. opposition to Chinese coercion of Taiwan is beyond question, we do not recognize Taiwan as an independent state, and we do not accept the argument that provocative assertions of Taiwan independence are in any way conducive to maintenance of the status quo or peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. For the reasons I have given above, in fact, we rank such assertions along with the referendum on joining the UN under the name Taiwan as needless provocations that are patently not in the best interests of the Taiwan people or of the United States.


Let me bring this presentation to a close by returning to the fundamental issue that has brought all of us together here. Regardless of whether members of this audience are officials in President Chen’s Administration, opposition party leaders, U.S. corporate executives, journalists, scholars, or U.S. Government officials, we all share an abiding interest in the security of Taiwan, an important friend of the United States occupying a delicate position in a sensitive neighborhood. The United States Government believes that a strong and moderate Taiwan is essential to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and we will remain the steadfast partner of the people of Taiwan as they seek to advance their interests in the years ahead.

Released on September 11, 2007


Monday, August 27, 2007

邁向美麗國家 ─ 從安倍的策略談起 / 國家元首 要有進取心


◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 08-27-2007; 自由時報, 08-28-2007




邁向美麗國家,當然不能只有經濟。是以,例如在國際關係與安全方面,安倍的政策演說提出有三個主軸的「進取式外交」(Proactive Diplomacy): 一、日本與共享自由、民主、人權、及法治基本價值的國家強化夥伴關係。二、建立一個開放與富於創新的亞洲。三、促進全球和平與穏定。又,鑒於憲法的不合時宜,安倍並表示,日本「必須重新建構適合時代的國家安全的法律基礎。」






Monday, August 06, 2007



, 部落格專論, 08-06-2007; 自由時報, 08-08-2007


工商時報最近蕭先生緩頰,於七月二十九日發表<「兩岸共同市場」當然不是「一中市場」>的社論,辯稱:「陳總統一再強調的『一中市場』,指的應該是『一個中國』下的市場,這是一個充滿政治味道的說法,我們相信長久以來一直為台灣經濟打拚的蕭萬長應該不是 如此主張,也不會同意這種說法。

(2005)十二月一日淡江大學名人講座曾發表<兩岸共同市場的理念與實踐>,即明白指出:「兩岸共同市場」 就是「一中市場」;它的一個前提是「九二共識一中各表」,而它的「三步到位」包括:一、三通直航,兩岸經貿正常化;二、簽訂經貿互惠協定;三、關稅同盟與貨幣同盟。








Monday, July 09, 2007



, 部落格專論, 07-09-2007; 自由時報, 07-11-2007

中國國民黨馬英九和蕭萬長最近連袂倡議「兩岸共同市場」,而民進黨高層也分別就政治與經濟面提出嚴厲批判。在經濟面,陳水扁總統指出,「屆時中國的農產品、 勞工將大量進入台灣市場,結果可能導致台灣的大量失業、降低勞工薪資、威脅農民生計、加速產業空洞化」,並且認為,「一中市場絕對是災難的開始,台灣也絕 對不能矮化成為中國的離島自由貿易區。」



「共同市場」屬於非常密切的區域經濟整合,凌駕「自由貿易區」及「關稅同盟」之上。一般在共同市場的安排下,除了對區域外貿易須實施共同關稅率外,區域內經濟 體之間,則不僅商品貿易零關稅,更須允許包括勞工等生產要素也能跨境自由移動。一旦「兩岸共同市場」成立,台灣社會與勞工市場如何能承受「華工」跨海大量湧入!這是意欲角逐大位者應有的基本常識。


按, 台灣當前具備國際比較利益的產業是技術密集產業,因為相對於中國等開發中國家,台灣擁有比較充裕的技術人力﹝如工程師等﹞。反之,中國的比較利益產業是勞 力密集型,因為相對於台灣等新興工業經濟,中國擁有比較充裕的非技術人力﹝如生產線勞工等﹞。若「兩岸共同市場」成立,加上言語熟悉,生產要素自由移動將 促使台、中成為「單一經濟體」。而這個「單一經濟體」的國際比較利益,必然取決於中國的生產要素結構,也就是勞力密集產業,因為中國規模畢竟太大了。




Friday, June 22, 2007


◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 06-22-2007; 自由時報, 06-25-2007




1. 美國對戰略對抗國或恐怖主義國家實施高科技產品出口與投資雙重管制,也意圖建立全球一致化智產權保護標準,並拓展至開發中國家;

2. 歐盟與日本對其農業長期實施嚴格保護;

3. 開發中國家普遍性對其萌芽中產業給予策略優惠與貿易保護,同時對金融、運輸等服務業採嚴格管制。





按「南韓輸出入銀行」分析598家在中國營運韓商的二00五年財報發現 51.8%的韓商在虧損中,其中中小企業虧損比例高達55%,而集團企業虧損比例亦達46.7%。另,在中國營運韓商的平均銷貨利潤率僅及1.3%,遠低於南韓國內經營平均6%7%的利潤率。即便在中國營運表現最佳的58家韓商,其利潤率也已連續三年一路下滑:2003年為6.5%, 2004年降為3.5%, 2005年再降為2.3%




Sunday, May 27, 2007



◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 05-27-2007; 自由時報, 05-28-2007











Tuesday, April 24, 2007

是誰失落了十年?: 從政策時間一致性談起

◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 04-24-2007; 自由時報, 04-30-2007








在戒急用忍以來這段十年期間﹝1997-2006﹞,按精確的複利公式計算,台灣「實質GDP」平均年成長率為3.69%,低於新加坡的4.26%,但高於南韓的3.67% ,以及香港的 3.55%。若將上組數字扣掉同期間的人口平均年成長率﹝台灣為0.61%,新加坡為2.2%,南韓為0.6%,香港為1.29%%﹞,我們可更有意義地觀察「實質人均GDP」的年成長率:台灣居首為3.08%,其次依序為南韓的3.07%,香港的2.26%,新加坡的2.06%。很驚訝吧!




Friday, March 23, 2007


馬英九先生的政治論述經常左支右絀,看來其經濟論述也是如此。這種把台灣當做「橋」的馬跳板思維,恐怕偏離了台灣經濟發展的「要徑」﹝Critical Path﹞。

◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 03-23-2007; 自由時報, 03-28-2007



馬英九先生的政治論述經常左支右絀,看來其經濟論述也是如此。這種把台灣當做「橋」的馬跳板思維,恐怕偏離了台灣經濟發展的「要徑」﹝Critical Path﹞。








Monday, February 12, 2007

與狼共舞經濟學: 調整美台中經濟距離

◎林環牆, 部落格專論, 02-12-2007; 自由時報, 2-14-2007



林濁水先生在二月八日自由時報「減輕與狼共舞的危險」一文云:西進中國的鴻海和留在台灣的晶圓廠和面板廠,「共同成為電子業兩支柱。一方面,透過規模經濟而有自我升級的能力;另一方面,又共同架構起廣闊的利潤空間提供創新的機 會,創造去年高達三、四十家上市櫃、興櫃公司,獲利達一個股本以上,這是比起國民黨時代一年三、四家多出十倍的空前榮景」。這恐怕過度樂觀,或只在於迂迴否定「積極管理」的必要性?
























高科技業中間投入主要來自美國等高階技術設備供應國。數字說明,台灣投入龐大資源西進中國所建立的美、台、中產業鏈,換來的卻是高科技貿易條件嚴重惡化: 辛苦工作,但創值有限。


